Well, I agreed to do the shoot. She did everything I asked her to do. It was a LOT of work, but holy smokes--
They are hot.
Smokin' hot.
I've told her when she's older, she will be glad she took these pictures. She will be able to look back and say, 'wow, that was me'.
I've been climbing the walls because I have not been able to post these for over 2 months. She's giving this beautiful black book of goodies to her honey tonight (yes, tonight!) for their anniversary. She even delivered it to the manager (my brother, and yes it was wrapped) before they sat down for dinner, so he could bring it out with dessert.
He's probably getting it as I type this post. So, now I have free reign to post a taste, but alas, not all will be here.
The rest, are only for him.

Holy smokes! These are incredible! You did an amazing job. Doubt they'll be having dessert. ;)
Came here through a link and wow! Those are fabulous. Really really stunning and beautiful. Great job! I think you'll be getting more calls for boudoir photo sessions. :)
WoW!! Incredible work! Good night NELLY!
Wow! Wow! WOW!! Andrea, you're photography skills are amazing! I bet he was thrilled!
Holy smokes is right! Whoa baby, these are HOT! You are amazing, Andrea. Totally and completely amazing. You need to add "boudoir photographer" to your resume.
One more time - wow!
I'm glad theses are finally out of the box! They are beyond hot!
p.s. LOVE your watermark ;)
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said! Holy Smokes Andrea, these are HOT!!! Kudos lady!!
Ok, so are you SURE, SURE, SURE that you should not be doing this full time? I mean, shit, Andrea. These look like ads for Cosmo or something. Sweet jesus!
OK, I've been traveling to visit my girlfriends family for Christmas so I haven't been able to reply before now ... and my beautiful girlfriend is the focus of these pictures. I am a LITTLE biased, but I have to say that these pictures are phenomenal - from my sensual and lovely girlfriend, to Andrea's choice of shots and post processing, to the work and sneaking that was put in by everyone to hide this from me until our anniversary! I was completely surprised and will love my little black book forever.
Beyond Beautiful!
Whoa Nelly!!!
Those are really nice, you did a fantastic job...that is an awesome keepsake for her, good for her and good for you~
Wow! You did a fantastic job on those photos.
No joke-these are HOT! Amazing shots!! You're awesome!
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