Meet the Hutlock family. Any day now, they will welcome a bambina into their family. They're keeping her name top secret though, until she's born. Even Colton here, wouldn't spill the beans.
Andrea, I'm wishing you a smooth and beautiful labor, and am so incredibly happy for you and your family.
Much Love,
Andrea (T.)

oh those are so beautiful! The one with Colton on their laps, belly and crib in the background and the last one are my faves!
Andrea H I have never seen you look more beautiful than during this pregnancy, I'm sure you've made a beautiful girl, can't wait to meet her. Much love to your beautiful family.
Andrea, kudos, what beautiful shots=)
I love them all but the one of Cman and I in the hammock has me all teary-eyed! I simply cannot express how thankful I am.
Thanks Mama!
So beautiful!! Gorgeous shots Andrea!! LOVE the one in the hammock, what a treasure.
You worked your magic again! Beautiful - esepecially the last three shots.
Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! What more is there to say?!
Oh how special. These are something to be cherrished! I love the sweet way the little one looks up at his mom. Beautiful.
Stunning Shots! Those are a real treasure...
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