Each invite had a different 'personalized' drawing on the back.

A recent attempt at baking homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Third try. Getting better.
Next time he understands to follow baking directions very closely.
And if the recipe calls for 3 cups of flour, then you use 3 cups, instead of one (because we ran out).

Can you tell he's just SO excited to have me take his picture here?
But I just loved this piece of work I couldn't resist the mamarazzi moment.

I heart Domi!
VERY cool invites, and his art is just amazing. His cookies...so cute, reminded me of Daryl :)
He is so talented! Love the invitations and the artwork. The cookies made me laugh. How typical of a boy to not follow directions!
Wow he really looks thrilled! I love that he hugged me when thinking he may not see me for awhile! Both your boys are SO talented!
I love this painting..! I wish I had a friend like Domi who would draw me a personalized invitation!
Hey Mamita, I forgot to ask...what medium did he work with on the last photo?
I really like it. Like Anja, I'd love to add a piece or two of his to our collection...especially since we won't be commissioning him for a that mural after all :(
Andrea, yeah, Domi really likes you and it didn't surprise me that he hugged you b/c he thought he was saying his last goodbyes!
I think it's b/c over the last year and half you've always taken the time to 'talk' to him and you 'get' him, and he's connected with you, kwim? =)
Tanya, he was working on plain ol' construction paper and markers.
I also want to add that you've lit a spark in him when you talked to him about his art and his work. You made him feel very important and showed him that his work has value. Thank you Mamita.
And Anja, when she told him she wanted him to sell her his watercolor and to name his price, he was so proud. You mamas have done wonders for my guy.
Thank you!
markers and construction paper?!?! All this and I haven't even heard him on his trumpet, yet.
Domi truly is gifted in so many ways, and is so damn focused...I love talking with him, and I think he digs me...as long as I don't ask him to dance in the isles with me :p
I heart Domi
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