We've been harvesting the radishes and the lettuce for weeks now, the blackberries are beginning to darken up, the peppers are turning red, the tomatoes are getting plump, the eggplant is growing, and the corn is beginning to start its process. The cucumbers are taking a while, but they were placed in a different part of the yard, and did not get the same environment as the rest. Lesson learned. The carrots and beets have beautiful leaves and can't wait for them to be ready to pull up.
A couple weeks ago, my very industrious husband, trimmed the large oak tree in the backyard, rented a chipper, and he and Domi made mulch for our garden beds. There were so many branches that he filled up the entire bed of the truck. And then a neighbor drove by and asked if they could chip their branches, and they'd pay for the rental, so they did. All in one afternooon. It reminded me of a comment my mamá used to say about Mike--he's like an ant, always working and doing, and lifting things 10 times his size.
So very true. And I love that about him.


Beets. This is such a beautiful plant.






Beautiful garden! It makes miss my gardens back in Vermont. I had an awesome vegetable patch and a beautiful perennial flower garden that got more beautiful with each passing year.
If you need a home for excess blackberries, give me a call. We bought some at the farmers market yesterday and the boys inhaled the whole pint in the truck.
your vege garden is so amazing, your man is so productive! can't wait to try some berries, yummy..
oh! Wow, it looks amazing. Really makes me wish I had planted more than just a couple tomatoes....your garden makes me remember my dad's wonderful garden growing up.
Lovely. I'm available for dinner ;)
Green with envy at your green thumb! I think an expansion may be necessary for us next year too!
I'm so jealous of your tomatoes and blackberries! Ours are on their way but not even as far along as yours. My blackberries are just starting to turn the darker color and our tomatoes are just little buds right now. Hopefully, they will pick up soon.
Our lemons, oranges and figs are doing really well and the peaches are getting there too.
Love the lettuce and beets! Such beautiful photos!
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